Wireless Ad-hoc Systems

Wireless system design, optimization, and operation can be fairly complex, particularly when the wireless equipment performance depends on terrain, obstacles (such as buildings), and human operator behavior. These influences can be easily simulated with Umbra so that wireless effectiveness can be evaluated and optimized in a wide variety of environments. Simulation allows wireless systems to be evaluated in a larger number of settings to improve confidence in their operations. Simulations shadowing live field exercises or test & evaluation efforts can help validate both simulation and live test range activity. Stochastic capability in Dante or other external tools in concert with Umbra can enhance the collection of performance data from simulations. Co-simulation with other communication and protocol simulations (e.g., OpNETTM) can take advantage of existing investments without duplicating efforts in Umbra.

Umbra has been used in the evaluation of a number of wireless ad-hoc communication activities. Umbra has allowed real communication assets to interact with simulated assets via its Live-Virtual-Constructive (LVC) technology testbed.