
Results 1–25 of 32

Analysis Using Our Tools

Analysis Using Umbra and Our Other Tools We often help our customers by providing technical analysis for their needs using modeling and simulation, including Umbra. Deliverables may include analytic results, simulations, visualizations, data sets, and recommendations. We use existing software and hardware tools or apply custom development if appropriate. Other...


Application areas and vignettes shown on this page are intended to provide insight for uses of the Umbra Simulation Framework. Umbra’s flexibility and adaptability are reflected in the variety of applications below and may relate to problems you need to solve. Umbra and existing Umbra-based tools have been applied to...

Applications Not Suitable for Umbra

In choosing a simulation framework, it can be useful to understand where a particular choice may not be viable. Sandia National Laboratories is also sensitive to potential observation or concern that Umbra can do anything. While it is flexible, there are applications that are not suited to Umbra, either because...

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality allows immersive experiences and analysis mixing real world and simulation Sandia National Laboratories has developed a state-of-the-art AR training system that is based on Umbra and allows live players to be immersed within a simulation or visualization. As an extreme example of LVC, users and objects in the...

Border Security, Perimeter Security

Customs inspection using Dante Metal detector using Umbra Border and perimeter security are inherently a physical problem, yet security applications always include communication and behavior concerns. Umbra is well suited to this domain, ranging from analysis, system design, and test and evaluation, through operations of indoor and outdoor areas.The framework...

Configuration Space Toolkit (C-Space Toolkit or CSTK)

The Configuration Space Toolkit (CSTK or C-Space Toolkit) provides a software library that makes it easier to program motion planning, simulation, robotics, and virtual reality codes. Originally designed specifically to support the Configuration Space abstraction, the CSTK enables the user to specially create representations of movable and stationary rigid 3D...


Umbra is supported by the Interactive Systems Simulation & Analysis (ISSA) Department at Sandia National Laboratories. ISSA both conducts Umbra development for customers and supports customer’s use and development in Umbra. This group provides updates, technical support, training, advice, and user group resources relating to Umbra. Support can be obtained...

Custom Application Development

Custom Umbra Application Development When an existing tool does not quite fit the need, or research and development is needed to accomplish objectives, we will engineer custom capability with the Umbra and other software and hardware tools. Significant value is added by leveraging legacy capability within Umbra and other programs...

Cyber-Physical Simulation

Cyber-Physical OpInsight visualization of controls systems Analysis and visualization of dynamic physical-cyber operations have been difficult to achieve, yet is critical for truly understanding system security in the context of operation or mission. Sandia’s strong program in cyber security is leveraging Umbra to provide substance to cyber analysis. Where other...


Dante Dante simulation tool Dante facilitates creation, simulation, and analysis of scenarios to explore effectiveness of tactics, technologies, and procedures in a range of environments, including physical, cyber, and behavior. Scenarios include simulation of physical objects (e.g., buildings, equipment, vehicles, or weapons), people and their behaviors, and such information as...

Data Visualization

Umbra is routinely used for visualization of information related to 3-space or mission activity; however, it has the ability to visualize abstract data, interact with data as objects, and relate those objects to mission. Umbra’s data visualization is inherently dynamic, but it can easily produce static 3D visualizations. Extension with...

Evaluating Technology, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures

A complex set of alternatives exists in the processes of understanding, engineering, implementing, and optimizing security systems that include choices about technology as well as Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs). This type of serious gaming is further complicated by context that is dynamic and involves physical environment, information systems, and...

Interactive Dante

Because Dante is based on Umbra, all of the interactive, LVC (Live-Virtual-Constructive) capabilities of Umbra are available to Dante. Interactive Dante is a family of serious gaming approaches to insert live interaction with Dante scenario execution. Sandia is developing an Interactive Dante capability at this time. Existing examples are available,...

Jumbra ™

Sandia has developed a Java-based Umbra core that can be used for modeling and simulation in the Umbra Framework. This capability has not been extended by porting all existing modules and Umbra simulation products. This effort was initiated to integrate Umbra with the OneSAF simulation system.

LVC (Live-Virtual Constructive)

LVC Complex, dynamic security issues and systems present a difficult set of choices for the military, other government agencies, and industry. LVC option space allows selection of how many real players or assets are utilized versus how many are simulated. Choices can be made to reduce cost, improve safety, and...

Operations Insight ™ (OpInsight ™)

OpInsight System Integration OpInsight Control Systems Umbra is highly suited to 3D dynamic visualization, which allows analysts to understand operational relevance and detect patterns in behavior displayed at rates faster, slower, or equal to real time. Because Umbra has Live-Virtual-Constructive capability, visualizations can be imported from recorded or live data...


opshed OpShed's real-time evaluation tool Interaction of physical structures, terrain, sensors, security forces, and adversaries in land-sea-air environments presents a complex situation for system analysis, design, and operation. OpShedTM enables quick study of sensor layouts to accelerate design and installation of security systems at secured facilities, perimeters, and borders.If desired,...


Patents Forsythe, J. Chris, Speed, Ann E., Jordan, Sabina E., & Xavier, Patrick G. (2008). “A Method for Computer Emulation of Human Decision Making.” USPTO Patent #7,370,023. Issued 6 May.Gottlieb, Eric Joseph; McDonald, Michael James; Oppel, Fred John III; & Xavier, Patrick Gordon. (2006). “Apparatus and Method for Interaction Phenomena...

Path Planning

Umbra can use route planners to provide high-level path plans for simulated humans or vehicles. In real environments, routes are planned from various detail terrain models that can include obstacles, such as buildings, or plan routes within buildings. Vehicles or humans then typically use behavior or navigation algorithms to avoid...


This page lists products that Sandia’s Interactive System Simulation & Assessment (ISSA) department provides or supports with the Umbra Simulation Framework and other simulation tools are shown on this page. See the services page for information about use and modification of these products. See the competencies page for additional detail about capabilities...


This page provides a number of resources related to the Umbra Simulation Framework. Related Links Umbra Sandia Channel on Lab accomplishments 2009: VDAFLab accomplishments 2010: OpShed Documentation Physical Security Simulation and Analysis Tools


Needs for robotics in manufacturing, military, and security systems was the motivation for creating Umbra. Robotic systems must move and navigate in a physical world, communicate, and interact with humans. Sandia’s and other organization’s robotics programs utilize Umbra as a planning tool for modeling and simulating robotic systems, integrating machine...


Sandia Cognitive Runtime Engine with Active MemoryTM TRL 2-5 (as cognitive science)TRL 3-6 (as AI software with cognitive modeling capability) SCREAM: Conceptual Architecture As part of Sandia’s cognitive research program and Umbra’s focus on behavior, the Sandia Cognitive Runtime Engine with Active Memory (SCREAM) implements components of a psychologically based...

Sensor Layout and Evaluation

OpShed allows real-time 3D display of sensor cover and multi-variate path analysis Engineering, evaluating, testing, and operating complex sensor systems in various environments, terrains, buildings, and underwater can be a time-intensive task. Results are prone to iterative adjustment after installation because of unforeseen issues. Testing sensor systems, comparing them to...


We offer a range of services in simulation, assessment, and analysis focused upon our customer’s success. Simulation and Gaming Terrain Team (SGTT)Training and use of our toolsAnalysis using our toolsCustom application developmentUse of Umbra for your projects
Results 1–25 of 32